My passion is encouraging you via the podcast twice a month. Give a listen.

Welcome to the Door!

Hi, I’m Kila.

Since 2016 I have leveraged my experience as a Sherriff Deputy on patrol, Social Worker in Skid Row LA, Director of Operations for a County Library System and Life Coach to help people center, remember who they are, and bring their whole selves to every area of life. This is often easier said than done when internal, cultural, interpersonal, and institutional barriers come to bear. I have navigated and thrived despite these barriers and brought relief, empowerment and realignment to my clients using humor, empathy, and a light-hearted approach. As a multicultural woman of color, who has travelled the globe, I bring a rich tapestry of experience and perspectives to my coaching and consultuing practice.

I relish working with clients who are eager to achieve their goals.

If you are ready for the next phase of your personal, professional or corporate development please schedule a free coaching session or discovery call today!


Kila Manuel